We understand that it can be daunting to visit a church for the first time, even if you have attended church before. Below are answers to some questions commonly asked.

  • What can I expect?
    A warm welcome, a time of worship & teaching, followed by a time of fellowship over a cuppa.

  • What about my kids? 
    We are a family-oriented church, and love having kids join our service. Please bring the whole family!
    We usually start the service with a time of combined worship (singing), after which kids in school Years 1 - 7 head to the hall at the back to participate in a deisgnated kids' programme. 
    The leaders will be more than happy to have your children join in, and aim to provide a safe and fun enviornment.
    We also have a room for Mums of younger children if you'd prefer that to sitting in the service; here you can sit to watch/listen the service while your child(ren) can play.

  • Where do I park?
    Unfortunately we don't have a designated carpark in the city, but there is usually plenty of parking on the block around church, and no need to pay for parking as this is free on Sundays.

  • What do I wear?
    Please just wear what you'd usually wear when catching up with friends/family. Yes, jeans & hoodie are fine!

  • How can I get connected?
    Fill in the connect form on this website, or send an email to admin@churchat.nz, and we'll be in touch with you.

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